Statement on Tour mit A.T.E.K.e.V.
In June 2023, we spoke with the PTSD representative Dr. med Ahrens in a meeting lasting several hours.
The reason for this was our catalogue of demands, the content of which included suggestions and proposals for improvement for better care of deployed veterans and their families.
A brief conversation with Minister Boris Pistorius; brief presentation of our personal concerns in letter form, handover of the list of demands with many case studies of inadequate and inadequate care for combat veterans and their families, handover of my portfolio from the project #wifeofacombatveteran.
An intensive and fruitful conversation with MP Merle Spellerberg, at our home, about the challenges faced by families and relatives of emergency personnel suffering from PTSD.
A very inspiring meeting.
Intensive exchange with political representatives of the government parties, the Union, veterans' associations, combat veterans and civilians on the topics of care and welfare for veterans/families and Veterans Day.
- Veterans movement in Germany – attempt at a
Positioning - Bundeswehr and society
- Veterans Office: A blueprint for all of Germany"
Workshops #VeteransDay #VeteransMovement
- Exchange with members of the German Bundestag (Defence Committee),
Exchange about our work at ATEK eV and our personal everyday life. We look forward to further cooperation!
National Veterans Day is coming! June 15th of every year. What a development. Thank you to all our fellow campaigners, pioneers and the veterans policy working group. For us as an association, in addition to the introduction of the day, it is of crucial importance that the care, appreciation and recognition of the families and relatives of traumatized/operational injured deployed personnel is observed and, above all, improved. Because much more depends on this decision than just one day in June; care will be improved, bureaucracy reduced, families included and protected. Professional soldiers who have resigned due to despair and illness will in future also be included in the EinsWVG and can return to the Bundeswehr and then begin their healing with care and security. For me as the wife of an operational veteran and former professional soldier who has fought for support and help for many years, this is a moving moment in which my husband and I place a lot of hope.
Dear politicians in the German Bundestag, thank you for this decision, but please do not disappoint the veterans and families/relatives, continue to work together beyond party interests. Thank you!
From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Reichstag building
Introduction to the event
Kerstin Vieregge, Member of the German Bundestag, CDU/CSU parliamentary group
Bärbel Bas, President of the German Bundestag
Lance Corporal (ret.) Johannes Clair
Moderation: Johannes Arlt, Member of the German Bundestag, SPD parliamentary group
Sara Nanni, Member of the German Bundestag, Alliance 90/The Greens parliamentary group
Three veteran perspectives
Corporal (ret.) Max Mansdorff
Hauptfeldwebel Maik Mutschke
Stabsfeldwebel dR Dunja Neukam
Moderation: Lieutenant Colonel Marcel Bohnert
Christian Sauter, Member of the German Bundestag, FDP parliamentary group
Closing words
Standing reception and buffet
Mediation-couple and family counseling
Tom Hecken & Julia Kurz