Public relation

On this page you will learn more about our practical work for more

Visibility of relatives and their traumatized loved ones! Li

Education and awareness raising

Let us bring our traumatized veterans and emergency workers and their families to where they belong, into the middle of society. Let us create a better awareness in society through education and draw attention in discussions to what all veterans and emergency workers deserve,

Appreciation, recognition and respect for their service.


June 2023

Bundeswehr Day

In June 2023 we took part in the Bundeswehr Day Oldenburg with a stand. At that time it was still a project,

Project #wifeofadeployedveteran

August 2023

Support our Troops

-Rheine Raptors-

American football, barbecue, live music with Jesse Cole and many exhibitors, e.g. Bundeswehr career truck, US candy shop, us and many more.

May 2024

8th Veterans Meeting of the Association of German Operational Veterans

-Berlin,Villa Schützenhof-

A public event initiated by the Association of German Operational Veterans with a reading by Hagen Vockerodt (Insta @i_am_vocko) from his book "1638 Days in War. The Other Side of the Operational Medal.

In a beautiful setting and with interesting conversations, we were able to present our work, get to know other organizations and associations, and make contacts.

Association of Ukrainian Veterans and War Wounded in Germany

Sponsorship Network Local Staff e,V.PAO

German Hardship Foundation, Philip Kraft


Thanks for the invitation Bernhard.


June 2024

Day of the Bundeswehr -Augustdorf-

On June 8th, 2024, we will have a stand at the Bundeswehr Day in Augustdorf. If you would like to get to know us better, please come by!

15. June 2024

Veteran intake

June 15 of each year is now Veterans Day.

A sign of recognition, appreciation and respect for veterans and their families.

This year ATEKeV would like to honor this important day with a small ritual.

We are letting balloons with written cards fly into the air and would like to draw the finder's attention to this very important topic. This campaign is coupled with a competition.

How can you participate?

Simply write on the postcard what Veterans Day means to you and send the postcard back to us. The furthest sender wins. (Postmark)

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